Invited Talks and Seminars
General HPC Runtime Systems
Challenges and Opportunities in Co-Design for High-Performance Computing Software Systems.
Invited talk at UMN Cloud Data Center and Edge (CDCE) workshop, February 2021.
Co-Design for High-Performance Computing Software Systems.
Invited talk at the REBASE track of the SPLASH 2020 virtual conference, November 2020.
AI@Edge: Software System Implications.
Invited talk of Microelectronics Workshop at Argonne National Laboratory, October 2019.
OpenSHMEM over MPI: A Performance Contender.
Invited talk at OpenSHMEM Unofficial Birds of a Feather at SC20, November 2020.
OpenSHMEM over MPI: Capabilities and Challenges.
Invited talk at State of the Union Birds of a Feather at SC19, November 2019.
Performance Analysis of MPI RMA in Supporting OpenSHMEM Runtime.
Invited talk at OpenSHMEM in the Era of Exascale Birds of a Feather at SC18, November 2018.
OpenSHMEM over Portable MPI RMA with Asynchronous Progress Support.
Invited talk at OpenSHMEM in the Era of Exascale Birds of a Feather at SC17, November 2017.
Beehive and MPI
Beehive: A Dynamic Execution Environment for Performance, Power, and Resilience on Extreme-Scale Computing Systems.
Invited talk of Argonne Named Fellows Mid-Year MiniSymposium at Argonne National Laboratory, June 2020.
Towards Dynamic Communication Runtime for Scalable Irregular Parallel Computing.
Invited talk at Florida State University, December 2018.
Designing Dynamic Communication Infrastructure for Scalable Irregular Parallel Computing.
LDRD seminar at Argonne National Laboratory, May 2018.
Casper: Portable and Adaptable Asynchronous Progress Model for MPI Communication.
Invited talk at PCCluster Booth at SC17, November 2017.
Towards Portable and Adaptable Asynchronous Communication for One-Sided Applications.
Invited talk at Tenth International Workshop on Parallel Programming Models and Systems Software for High-End Computing (P2S2 2017), August 2017.
Data Locality Challenges in Irregular Applications for Exascale Programing.
Invited talk at Fourth Workshop on Programming Abstractions for Data Locality (PADAL 2017), August 2017.
Scaling NWChem with Efficient and Portable Asynchronous Communication on NERSC Edison Supercomputer.
Invited talk at National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center, 2016-03.
Techniques for Enabling Highly Efficient Message Passing on Many-Core Architectures.
Seminar at Argonne National Laboratory, 2015-10.
Casper: An Asynchronous Progress Model for MPI RMA on Many-core Architectures.
Seminar at Argonne National Laboratory, 2015-04.
MT-MPI: Multi-threaded MPI for Many-core Environments.
Seminar at Argonne National Laboratory, 2013-09.